Whitstone Parish Council


Minutes & Archives


Community Benefits

Cornwall Council

Information & Links

Who Are We and What We Do

Suzanne Cleave

07853 298595

Nick Furse

Paradise House
Balsdon Road
Whitstone, EX22 6LE
01288 341122
07966 268400

Richard Horn
Vice Chair & Planning

Kimberleigh House
Oak Lane
Whitstone, EX22 6TH
01288 341482
07764 774585

Mervyn Collins
Parish Hall & Church

Ocean View
Whitstone EX22 6TJ
01288 341598

Andrew Medland

Littlefield Barn, East Balsdon.
Whitstone EX22 6LE
01288 341978

Charlotte Hopper

24 Paradise Park
Whitstone EX22 6TQ

Grace Martyn

Rob Orchard


The Parish Council will next meet on Thursday, April 10 in St Anne’s Village Hall at 7.30pm. 

The agenda is displayed ahead of the meeting on the parish notice board opposite the shop.

For a postal address for the clerk, please call 07853 298595.

Planning applications, public footpaths, drainage, highways. 

See what the parish council covers in depth. (From the Defra documents archive)June


Notice of Election of Town and Parish Councillors

Notice is hereby given that Elections are to be held of town and parish councils in May (if contested).

See notice HERE

Election for Cornwall Council

Notice is given that elections are to be held for one councillor for each Electoral Division listed. If contested, the elections will be held on May 1.

The notice of election can be found HERE.


Planning Applications – Community Engagement

Whitstone Parish Council is informed of all planning applications within the Parish and invited to comment on them. Any views expressed by the Parish Council will be taken into account before a decision is made, providing the points made are a relevant ‘material consideration’. The final decision is made by the Planning Authority (Cornwall Council), not the Parish Council.

The Parish Council feel it is vitally important that Cornwall Council are aware of the views of our residents and would encourage you to comment on planning applications either by following the link to the online planning register or writing or emailing to the Parish Clerk. Please remember that only comments which are about material considerations will be effective in influencing the Planning Authority decision.


Link to Cornwall Council On-line Planning Register

You can find all current planning applications in the parish by following this link and typing ‘Whitstone’ into the search box. You can add your comment by clicking the relevant application then the comments tab and following on screen instructions.

Useful Planning Information

Link to Whitstone’s renewable energy planning policy document here

Defibrillator in the Parish

The Parish Council have purchased a defibrillator which is installed in the front porch of the village hall. This equipment is available at all times for use by any member of the public in an emergency. To remove the machine simply break the tag by opening the door. (very little force is needed to break the special tag)

Below is a short introduction into the benefits and how to use this life saving machine.

More information can be found at St John Ambulance or read the document by the Resuscitation Council UK.