Village Hall

Online Booking

Make a booking by clicking here then use the ‘add an event’ button at the bottom of the page.

Please note that timings are shown in a digital, 24-hour format.

The Hall Key
The key safe is now located next to the defibrillator in the front porch of the hall.

The key, if there is a any difficulty putting it back in the key safe, may, along with any cash/cheques, be posted through the letterbox of Hazel-Law (end cottage, opposite hall); and, as well as the online calendar, bookings (and enquiries) may also be made by emailing or by telephoning Helen Eccott on 01288 381489.

Situated on the B3254, halfway between Bude and Launceston.

Projector and large wall mounted screen in the main hall with seating for approximately 100, 12 fold up tables and smaller meeting room, kitchen facilities and large car park.

Good access for wheelchair users. Large disabled toilet.

Calendar Instructions

Sound, screen resolution and full screen mode preferences are on the bottom bar of the video.

  • The information you enter in the Title Box is what is displayed on the Calendar. State here whether you are booking the main hall, committee room or both. e.g.
    • Main Hall – Toddlers
    • Committee Room – Parish Council Meeting
  • In the description box you can add as much content as you wish to describe your booking. If you enter wrong information, don’t worry as this is easily rectified.
  • Enter the date, time and duration of your booking and save. Your booking will be viewable on the calendar almost immediately.
  • You will receive an automatic email after you make your booking which enables you to go back and make changes (if you can’t see it have a look in your spam folder).


Session = morning afternoon or evening (approx. 4 hour slot)

  • Main Hall £20 per session for village hirers – £25 per session for non-residents of the parish
  • Committee Room £10 per session – £12 per session for non-residents of the parish
  • Cutlery (100 settings) £10.00
  • Projector Hire £10.00

Conditions of Use

  • Hall must be left clean and tidy
  • Please Ensure all lights are switched off and hall doors closed
  • Please empty and unplug the water urn in the kitchen
  • Chairs to be stacked at the side of the hall, if used and tables put away


EX22 6TZ

Any enquiries about bookings should be made via the hall’s email address (



Management Committee

Mervyn Collins
Helen Eccott
Ean Lawrence
Pearl Hopper
Lucy Woods
Catherine Bailey

Official Opening

9th September 1910