Grant Scheme

Small Grant Application (up to £500)

Small grants application form


Large Grant Application (over £500)

Large grants application form

Community Benefit Fund Policy

Further Education Travel Bursary

Further Education Travel Bursary


Does your organisation need funds?

Whitstone Parish Council can award a grant to any organisation or project which will benefit residents. Whether you are an existing organisation, or you want to start something new, a grant may be available.

Print out the application form and email or post it to the Parish Clerk.

A grant is any payment made by the Council to be used by an organisation for a specific purpose that will benefit the Parish, or residents of the Parish. The Parish Council awards grants, at its discretion, to organisations which can demonstrate a clear need for financial support to benefit the Parish by, for example:

  • Providing a service
  • Enhancing the quality of life
  • Improving recreation and/or sports
  • Improving the environment
  • Promoting the Parish of Whitstone in a positive way
  • Conducting pilot or feasibility projects (to try-out new ideas)

Contributors to Whitstone Community Benefit Fund

    • Lightsource Renewable Energy Holdings Limited: £50,000 – Northmoor Solar PV Single contribution November 2015
    • RSJ3 Energy Ltd & Mr Brian Martyn: £4,000 – Dilland Farm Annual contribution linked to inflation