Cornwall Council
County Hall
Treyew Road
Truro TR1 3A
There are various numbers depending on the department you require, the list is on their website. For Other Enquiries including compliments and complaints the number is 0300 1234 100.
Cornwall Council
County Hall
Treyew Road
Truro TR1 3A
One Stop Shops bring advice and information on all council services closer to where you live, including housing, benefits, council tax, business rates, refuse and recycling. In any One Stop Shop you can get help to fill in forms, hand in documents and speak to a council specialist either in person or by phone
The Library
The Wharf
Cornwall EX23 8LG
Party – Liberal Democrats
Electoral Division – Poundstock
Home address:
The Post House
PL15 8QU
Mobile: 07810 302061
Advice Surgeries
Regular advice surgeries are held in bodmin, Bude, Camelford, Launceston, Padstow and Wadebridge. If you would like to book an appointment at one of these surgeries please contact the constituency office on 01208 74337.
Drop in Sessions
May be available at the end of each advice surgery, and are managed on a first come first served basis. If you would like to know more please contact the constituency office on 01208 74337
10 Market House, Fore Street, Bodmin PL31 2JA
Cornwall Enquiry and Information Service is accessible to everyone. You don’t need to be a library member to use it. Whatever the nature of your enquiry, ring free of charge, e-mail, write to us or use “live chat” and we will provide an answer.
You can now download free magazines to be read on your phone or tablet. All you need is your library number to create a ‘zinio’ account which gives you access to the magazines.
This link will take you to the online library page which gives more explanation of the service.
You are able to download more than 1500 ebooks to your computer, tablet or smartphone free of charge. You can borrow up to 5 ebooks every 2 weeks and 5 eAudiobooks every 3 weeks. The books will automatically delete at the end of the loan period, so no need to worry about overdue charges.