The Whistler

The Local Parish Magazine

Send your article to us for inclusion in the next issue by the 20th of the month

The ‘Whitstone Whistler’ is our monthly community magazine which is delivered free to each household in the Parish.

We publish news and announcements of forthcoming local events as well as articles by local writers. We aim to be both informative and entertaining with a very local theme. There is always a roundup of news from the many clubs and groups within the Parish and a comprehensive diary of all happenings and important dates, which is popular with locals and visitors alike. The Whistler, together with the Village Website, aims to provide an entertaining way to stay in touch with community life.

‘The Whistler’ is produced and distributed by a team of volunteers and funded in the main by advertising. Our local businesses have been a great support and many of them have been running adverts with us since the beginning. The magazine was first published in 2004 and was at that time issued only occasionally. It progressed to quarterly issue for a period before becoming a monthly magazine in Nov 2009.

If you have an announcement to make or an event to publish please send it in to the editor by email or post. Why not write to us about anything that’s on your mind? Please supply your name and address (this will not be published without your permission). Any item sent to ‘The Whistler’ for publication may also be published on this website unless, of course, you ask us not to.

Also available to download or you can subscribe to receive a regular e-mailed copy.

Advertising Rates
Magazine B&W ¼ A5 Portrait 12 issues £60
Magazine Colour ¼ A5 Portrait 12 issues £75
View the advertising guidelines

The Editor
Whitstone Whistler

Archived pdf copies are available on request.

Brian Martyn
01288 341376

Maggie Stanbury
01288 381145

Treasurer & Advertising
Richard Horn
01288 341482


Phil Tucker
01288 341617

Delivery Co-ordinator
Maggie Stanbury

01288 341332